Georgia to Maine - - Please join me from start (4/1) to finish (8/10) - 132 days!!!!!

Bethlehem, NH
I have completed my thru-hike of the AT from Georgia to Maine; I started 4/1 and completed 8/10/10. I decided to do this thru-hike in memory of my brother Michael and in turn decided to turn it into a fundraiser. All money raised went to the Adaptive Sports Partners of the North Country which gives year-round opportunities in sports and recreation to people with physical or developmental disabilities. My wife Pam and I got involved with this program because it allows us to help people with disabilities enjoy the outdoors like we do and my brother Michael did. Michael was born mentally challenged, and he loved to visit us in the North Country of NH and go hiking. He also loved the outdoors and did many other sports. So, to help others do this and other outdoor activities is a TRIBUTE to him, and an HONOR to us. Many of you have helped me along my journey and donated (follow donation link) directly to a secure website. All donations have gone and WILL CONTINUE to go to ASPNC – nonprofit org to help assist others to hike, ski, kayak, snow shoe..etc… Thank you all in advance for your kindness & generosity, Dave & Pam Smith

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monday 7/12 – 1700 miles!!!

The Inn provides a breakfast for the guests. PTD and Ted were down at 7 for coffee and breakfast @7:30. Out on the trail by 8:30. Ted hiked for a bit w/PTD this morning. Ted needed to leave to get back home to his family. They said their goodbyes and parted ways. Will see each other again in NH soon.

PTD came across several south bounders today. They started the very end of May. They were on top of Mt Washington the other week when it was cold and snowy. In lower elevations it was only rain. Amazing light snow in the whites in July. Not un-common.

July 2nd from Observation Deck

At 11am Ponytail hit the 1700 mile mark at the Stony Brook Shelter.

Got to view Thundering Falls (waterfall), 8550 foot boardwalk over Ottauquechee floodplain and over Mt Ascutney.

Miles traveled today 20.9     1,715.6 - To date    462.7 - Left to go

Thundering Falls
Ottauquechee boardwalk

1 comment:

  1. Withu Inspirit13/7/10

    after all this melting heat and humidity...must be lookin forward to the snowy Mt. has to be pretty wild to run into hikers goin the opposite direction,,,dont envy them though,,hope the water sources stays good for em...great to see the "left to go" miles gettin smaller and smaller...happy thoughts out to ya with lots of luv...
