He was craving ice cream and knew a farm stand would be coming up near one of the road crossings. He ended up getting a chocolate shake, 2 peaches, a plum, and a pound of cherries. Think he was craving fruit too.
Ponytail says that southern hospitality is gone. He was traveling down Oil City Road, a black tarred road. Extremely hot. He came across a factory. Great he was thinking, since water has been a bit scarce due to the hot water. He went into the office and asked if they had an outside spicket that he could get some drinking water and the lady said no and never offered him drinking water inside. How rude!
He got to hike a bit today w/Tin Tin and Melagdon. They hopscotched for a bit and then Dave ended up losing them. They must have stopped for a break as Dave moved on. He says it was nice to see familiar faces. He hasn't seen any on the trail in awhile.
Ponytail crossed up and over Pochuck mnt which wasn't very tall but it was steep. He also went over the Pochuck floating suspension footbridge. It is about 146 feet long. Then he crossed over the rest of the Pochuck swamp using a really cool boardwalk that is 3,950 feet long and was built in 2002. He also climbed up mnt Wawayanda today.

Later in the day he said he some soaking rains. Felt good, but now he is soaked. The rain had lightened a bit by the time he got to Wawayanda Shelter. This is where he will spend the night. He has been setting up his tent more now due to the bugs. They are getting to bad to just sleep in the shelters w/no protection. He made his dinner and sat and chatted w/some young kids that were thru-hiking the trail. They started the beginning of March. They aren't on any time schedule.
So, to date 1351.9 and 826.4 left to go
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